Monday, November 2, 2020

Week of Nov 2 - 6

Lessons and Activities for the Week for At Home Learners:

Monday- Invite your child to observe their faces in a mirror. Provide paper and writing utensils such as pencils, crayons or markers for them to draw what they see. Encourage them to look carefully at their faces and consider how to illustrate the features and details they see.

Tuesday- Share with your child a favorite story from their past. Among other things, this could be a story about the first time your child did something new, a funny story about an experience or a time when they made the family proud.

Wednesday- Cut out various size shapes from construction paper and invite your child to use the shapes to create their own bodies. After gluing the shapes together, or to a piece of paper, children can use writing utensils, or any materials to add additional details (hair, patterns on clothes, etc.).

Thursday- Invite children to use mirrors to look at their faces to examine their features and explore the connections between their features and their five senses.

Friday- Cut paper plates in half, give your child half of a plate and invite them to draw a mouth that is expressing an emotion on it (i.e. a smile for happy, frown for sad). If you like, you can attach a Popsicle stick to the bottom of the plate for your child to hold and invite them to place the emotion mask over their own mouths. Provide a mirror for them to see the expressions and invite them to try to make their eyes match the expressions on the plates as well.

The link for the read aloud of this week's foundational text, Little Elliot, Big City by Mike Curato is located Click Here

Information for In-Person Learners

 Unit Topic:

  • All About Us

Essential Question for the Unit:
  • Who am I and who are the people in my life?

Focus Question for the Week:
  • What makes me important and unique?

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:
    Students will be asked to look at themselves in the mirror.  What do they see? What features do they notice on their own faces? Where are their eyes? Noses? Mouths? Ears? Eyebrows? Etc. What do they notice about their features? What shapes are they?  Students will then be encouraged to draw their own self-portrait.
    Students will be asked to dictate their thoughts about their self-portraits with prompts such as, “Tell me about your self-portrait."

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
  • PK.SEL.2: Recognizes self as an individual having unique abilities, characteristics, feelings, and interests.

Foundational Text for the Week:
  • Little Elliot, Big City by Mike Curato

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:
  • PK.ELAL.5: Participates in discussions about a text.

Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:

Level 1: Recall 
What is different about Elliot?
Elliot is very small; what things are hard for him to
do since he is so small?
What does Elliot like?

Level 2: Skill/Concept
How do Elliot and Mouse help each other?
How do you think Elliot felt about having a new friend?
How do you think Elliot felt when he got his cupcake?

Level 3: Strategic Thinking
What are some things that are hard for you?
What are some things that are easy for you?

Level 4: Extended Thinking
What are some reasons you might like to have a friend?
What are some things you like might like to do with a friend?
What are some things you can do to be a good friend?
How do you make a new friend?

Lessons and Activities for the Week:

Blocks-The student’s name cards will be available in block center.  Students are invited to write their names using blocks, discussing the lines in each letter of their name (straight, curved, etc.).

Art- Various size shapes from construction paper will be cut out and students are invited to use the shapes to create their bodies. After gluing the shapes together, or to a piece of paper, children can use writing utensils to add additional details (hair, patterns on clothes, etc.).

Science- Students are invited to use magnifying glasses to explore fingerprints, skin, hair, etc.

Math- Students will be encouraged to refer to their name cards and count how many letters are in their name, then place the appropriate number card next to the name card. Children can count the letters in their own names as well as their peers’ names.

Library- Students are encouraged to read a book with a friend. One child could read to the other or they could look at a book together.

Writing-  Students will be able to play a matching game where they match pictures of the students in the class with that student's name.

Sensory- Students will be able to play with their individual containers of play-doh.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, click Click Here

As always, please make sure to read the OLQM school blog for additional updates and information located, Click Here

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the
Help Line at 888-227-8175

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Week of November 1 - 5, 2021

Week of Nov 1 - 5, 2021: -See Saw account has been set up please see the attached link to activate your child's account.  Click Here , f...