Sunday, June 20, 2021

Week of June 21 - June 25

Reminders / Notices:

  • Just a few reminders about our Pre K graduation and moving up ceremony:

    1. Graduation: Wednesday, June 23 @ 12:00pm OLQM Auditorium and will last approximately 30 minutes
    2. Children arrive at OLQM to their classroom @ 11:30am and there will be no class following the ceremony
    3. Please dress in Sunday best or as if attending a special family event
    4. Each graduate may have 4 guests (this number DOES NOT include the graduate)
    5. The seats will be grouped into 4 chairs per family
    6. ALL guests will have their temperature checked and MUST complete a Covid form at the door. MASKS must be worn.
    7. Please continue to practice the graduation song and pledge at home. These links were sent in a separate email
    8. There will be NO refreshments served following the graduation ceremony
ZOOM Information for This Week:

Please see below the link for this week Monday, June 21  & Tuesday June 22. This link was also sent via email for our at home learners. Thank you!

8:20 a.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password: Click Here
Join URL: Click Here

2:30 p.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password:  Click Here

Join URL: Click Here

Read Aloud Questions:

The link for the read aloud of this week’s foundational text, When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis, HERE!

Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?

The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?

What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?

What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?

Remote Learning Weekly Activity:

How long is it ?

Invite your child to use unifix cubes to measure different things around the house

( e.g.  a marker, paintbrush, book, toys, spoon etc) Discuss how many cubes each item measured. Use the words long and short when discussing the item's length. 

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK. MATH .10 Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary.

Unit Topic:


Essential Question for the Unit:

What are babies?

Focus Question for the Week:

How do babies change?

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

Children will be invited to make a book about the animal babies they are investigating. The children will be provided with blank books from sheets of paper to write and draw about their animal baby. 

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.ELAL.17. [PKW.6] Develops questions and participates in shared research and exploration to answer questions and to build and share knowledge. 

Foundational Text for the Week:

When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.CKW.4 (Social Studies): Develops an understanding of how people and things change over time and how to relate past events to their present and future activities.

Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:

Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?

The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?

What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?

What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?

Lessons and Activities for the Week:

Blocks- Students will be invited to consider some of the furniture people can use to care for babies (ex. cradle) and use blocks to build these items.

Art- Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

Science- Students will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

Math- Cutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing- Cards will be supplied with pictures of animal babies as well as their names. They will be placed in a bin for children to reference as they create their own animal baby book.

Sensory- Students will be able to give babies a bath with their own containers and consider why babies need help to wash or take a bath.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, Click Here

Please always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information,

click, HERE!

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Week of June 14 - June 18

 Reminders / Notices:

  • Our Moving Up Ceremony is: Wednesday, June 23 at 12:00 PM. 
  • All students are asked to be present in their classroom by 11:30 PM.

  • Only 4 guests are permitted, not including your child. 
  • Each family will sit together in one group. Chairs will be set up in groups of four for each family.
  • All guest are required to have a mask upon entering the building. 
  • A Health and Safety Checklist will be required before entering the auditorium. 

ZOOM Information for This Week:

Please see below the link for week June 14 - June 18. There will be NO Zoom on Wednesday, 6/16. This link was also sent via email for our at home learners. Thank you!

8:20 a.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password: Click Here
Join URL: Click Here

2:30 p.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password:  Click Here

Join URL: Click Here


The link for the read aloud of this week’s foundational text, When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis, HERE!

Read aloud Questions 

Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?

The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?

What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?

What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?

                        Remote Learning Weekly Activity: 

                                   How long is it ?

Invite your child to use unifix cubes to measure different things around the house

( e.g.  a marker, paintbrush, book, toys, spoon etc) Discuss how many cubes each item measured. Use the words long and short when discussing the item's length. 

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK. MATH .10 Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary.

Unit Topic:


Essential Question for the Unit:

What are babies?

Focus Question for the Week:

How do babies change?

Focused Learning Activity for the Week:

Children will be invited to make a book about the animal babies they are investigating. The children will be provided with blank books from sheets of paper to write and draw about their animal baby. 

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.ELAL.17. [PKW.6] Develops questions and participates in shared research and exploration to answer questions and to build and share knowledge. 

Foundational Text for the Week:

When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis

Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.CKW.4 (Social Studies): Develops an understanding of how people and things change over time and how to relate past events to their present and future activities.

Questions That Will Be Asked Throughout The Week:

Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?

The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?

What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?

What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?

Lessons and Activities for the Week:

Blocks- Students will be invited to consider some of the furniture people can use to care for babies (ex. cradle) and use blocks to build these items.

Art- Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.

Science- Students will be able to play a matching game, matching the adult animal to its offspring.

Math- Cutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.

Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, babies.

Writing- Cards will be supplied with pictures of animal babies as well as their names. They will be placed in a bin for children to reference as they create their own animal baby book.

Sensory-Students will be able to give babies a bath with their own containers and consider why babies need help to wash or take a bath.

For more information on the Lesson Plan, Click Here

Please always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located , HERE!

If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that can not be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Week of June 7 - 11, 2021

                         WEEKLY REMINDERS:


*Our Moving Up Ceremony is on, June 23rd at 12:00 PM

*Only 2 guests are permitted per child

*Guests must wear a mask and have their temperature taken

*A Health and Safety Checklist will be required before entering the auditorium 


*Donald Duck Day is Wednesday, June 9, kids can dress up in Donald Duck theme.


ZOOM Links for This Week: 


Monday 6/7 - Friday 6/11:

8:20 a.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password: Click Here
Join URL: Click Here

2:30 p.m. Meeting 

Meeting ID: Click Here
Password:  Click Here
Join URL: Click Here


      Lessons and Activities for the Week for At Home Learners:


The link for the read aloud of this week’s foundational text When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis, HERE!


Questions for the foundational read aloud


Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?
The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?
What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?
What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?




Remote Learners Weekly Activity:


                                 How Long Is It?


Invite your child to use unifix cubes to measure different things around the house for example a marker, paintbrush, book, toys, spoon etc. Discuss how many cubes each item measured. Use the words long and short when discussing the items length.  


Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK. MATH .10 Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary


There are numerous activities posted every week on our

classroom SeeSaw Account! 


Please send any pictures or drawings to or text to (518) 400-0229


Unit Topic:



Essential Question for the Unit:

What are babies? 


Focus Questions for this Week:

   How do babies change?



Focused Learning activity for the week:


                        How Tall Is The Baby?

The teacher will work with students in the math center to measure cutout babies of various lengths. Students will be encouraged to use unifix cubes to measure each baby. Students will discuss how many cubes each baby measured, and which was longest and shortest.



 Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK. MATH .10 Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary


Foundational Text for the Week:

 When I Was Little- A Four Year Old's Memoir of Her Youth by Jamie Lee Curtis


Pre-K Common Core Learning Standard Addressed:

PK.CKW.4 (Social Studies): Develops an understanding of how people and things change over time and how to relate past events to their present and future activities.



Questions for the foundational read aloud


Level 1: Recall 

What are some of the things the girl in the book did when the girl was little, she cried a lot. What does she do now?


Level 2: Skill/Concept 

What is a memoir?
The girl in this book shares many things about her from when she was little. What are some things you did when you were little?


Level 3: Strategic Thinking 

The little girl in this book says she is more helpful now than when she was a baby. 

Can babies be helpful? Why or why not?
What are some things babies need help with?


Level 4: Extended Thinking 

What are some ways you are different now than when you were little?
What are some ways you are the same now as when you were little?



Lessons and activities for the week:


Blocks- The block area will be turned into a baby nursery.  Students will pretend to care for babies by feeding, cleaning, and changing the baby dolls provided. 


Art- Students are invited to create their own baby portraits with a variety of art materials.


Science- Students are invited to create the animal babies and habitats they are investigating.  


Math- Cutouts of babies of various lengths will be added to the math center.  Students will be able to measure each baby and tell which is longest and shortest.


Library- Students are invited to read books about our theme, babies.


Writing- Cards will be supplied with pictures of animal babies as well as their names. They will be placed in a bin for children to reference as they create their own animal baby book.


Sensory- Students will be able to give babies a bath with their own containers and consider why babies need help to wash or take a bath.



For more information on the Lesson Plan, Click Here


Please always make sure to read the OLQM School Blog for additional information, located HERE!


If there are any questions regarding the Pre-K for All program that cannot be answered by the office or classroom teacher, please feel free to contact the Help Line at 888-227-8175 

Week of November 1 - 5, 2021

Week of Nov 1 - 5, 2021: -See Saw account has been set up please see the attached link to activate your child's account.  Click Here , f...